Naoto Hieda
Naoto Hieda is an artist from Japan living in Germany with a background in engineering (B.Eng. at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and M.Eng. at McGill University, Canada). Naoto is currently graduating from the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne, Germany and works internationally for theater productions and in the visual arts. In their artistic work, they question the productive qualities of coding and speculate on new forms, post-coding through neuroqueerness, decolonization and live coding.
Kollektive Performance Lecture mit Studierenden, Alumni und Mitarbeiter:innen des Labors [ ] ground zero der Experimentellen Informatik an der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln (KHM)
[ ] ground zero @ khm presents Sound pieces, visualizations, Apps & Installations
[ ] ground zero @ khm presents Sound pieces, visualizations, Apps & Installations